Tending whole systems.
Resourcing leaders, communities, and Businesses, towards collective flourishing.

What is Our Common
Coaching and consulting firm meets community hub…
We believe that how you do your work in the world is just as important as what you do.
Our Common is dedicated to offering support and resources to leaders, teams, and individuals who believe in the importance of collaboration, community, and connection.
We’re here to help you:
find and build communities & businesses where everyone can thrive,
navigate relational complexity with courage,
create group dynamics where unique contributions add to efficiency and impact,
feel supported and equipped in your leadership.
We need your Leadership and your Community more than ever.

You are Welcome here.

We Want You in the Conversation
Sign up with your email address to receive a quarterly newsletter with updates on new collaborations and featured offerings, and an invitation to our free seasonal all-in calls.
All-in calls will be open to anyone in the Our Common network, will happen over Zoom, and will include a facilitated discussion on a theme like building community, re-villaging, creating healthy relationship systems, and growing your leadership.
This is a great place to meet with other like-minded people for shared learning and conversation.
Who We Serve
We love to partner with those that are longing for, building, or already investing in, healthy relationship ecosystems.
Our offerings are organized according to four core-groups, find yourself in one of the descriptions below:
Community Seekers
You are looking to understand yourself better, learn relationship skills, and find meaningful connections.
You are possibly in a transitional season of life - re-defining your sense of self, your priorities and values, or your worldview.
You long for belonging, as you find your way.
You tend and care for the needs of others, and carry a lot of responsibility.
You are most likely a CEO, an entrepreneur, the head of a non-profit, or a faith leader.
You might be a therapist, coach, doctor, or care provider.
You long for support, as you hold all that you do.
New & Existing Communities
You are a group or collective with a shared vision and cause, that cares deeply about the health and wellbeing of your relationships.
You might be a non-profit or community start-up, a co-housing group, or you might be living intentionally with others on shared land, or wanting to make that a reality.
You long for guidance, as you navigate relational nuance.
Values-Driven Businesses
You are making a difference in the world through the work that you do. The health and culture of your workplace matters to you.
You are a small business, solopreneur, working partnership, or family-owned business.
You are willing to invest in the structure, culture, and capacity of your business for the sake of the collective good.
You long for resourcing as you bring your work forward in the world.
We’re in this messy and beautiful world together, and we all have an opportunity to contribute to its collective thriving.
Why we do what we do
We are not meant to “do it alone”.
We have long been offered a story of individualism and self-sufficiency as power…
This story that has created mass feelings of comparison, isolation, and burnout, and fed an ever turning wheel of work that only truly benefits a few.
What if that story wasn’t true?
At Our Common we are committed to telling another story - one that is rooted in the interconnectedness of all things.

Upcoming Offerings
If something here is resonating with you, we want to know about it! Maybe there’s a way we can serve you, or you have a collaborative idea, or you might just want to share your excitement at finding other like-minded people…