Come on in.
We have a lot in common.
We breathe the same air - it’s that simple:
We’re connected.
So let’s all work together.
Our Common was born out of three core beliefs:
No one is an island - our lives are intricately interconnected. This is a beautiful gift, and an immense responsibility - we know you want to steward your part well.
We face our own limits everyday. That’s how it’s meant to be.
We need each other.
Your vision is possible, and it was never yours alone to carry.
We have long been fed a false dichotomy: “this or that”. What if what was good for all was good for you? Not just you and me either - but also communities, broader cultural systems, and natural environments.
You care about leaving the world a better place than when you arrived. So do we.

What we’re here to create
Our common vision…
is to build a world where there is room for all to thrive.
The way we see it…
Our relationships with ourselves, with each other, with the Earth, and with Mystery, are woven together in intricate ways… as such, we are one big tapestry, and you can’t pull a thread somewhere without it impacting the whole picture.
All matter.
Bending our systems towards justice and equity, building soil and nurturing microbiomes, fostering understanding and respectful dialogue, mutual aid and serving each other, reclaiming our spirituality… It all matters.
You matter.
May we live in such a way as to embody and to speak to that truth in all we do.

Our name is important to us…
OUR - We hope you find a sense of belonging here. From the first moment you arrive it is our hope that you feel part of our community.
COMMON - Collective - Our work is founded in the principles of community care and collective thriving. We hope you find collaboration and connection here.
COMMON - Ordinary - So much of the personal and professional development world focuses on the major milestones and big shiny badges of success - we want to create a place where the common, everyday, ordinary is celebrated too. We hope you know that your life and it’s impact matters, full stop.
How we Serve
No matter how you partner with us, we see it as a collaborative process.
Let’s contribute collectively to a better world.
Our work is currently expressed through:
coaching & facilitation
nature-based retreats
education and training

A community is…
“a unified body of individuals” - living beings with a common connection -connected by place, passion, or purpose.
We believe that a true sense of community is felt as a collective flourishing. Let’s make that a reality for you and the communities your are a part of.
Who we serve
At Our Common, we serve Community Seekers,
Community Builders, New & Existing Communities,
and Values-Driven Businesses.
Community Seekers
You are looking to understand yourself better, learn relationship skills, and find meaningful connections.
You are possibly in a transitional season of life - re-defining your sense of self, your priorities and values, or your worldview.
You long for belonging, as you find your way.
Community Builders
You tend and care for the needs of others, and carry a lot of responsibility.
You are most likely a CEO, an entrepreneur, the head of a non-profit, or a faith leader.
You might be a therapist, coach, doctor, or care provider.
You long for support, as you hold all that you do.
New & Existing Communities
You are a group or collective with a shared vision and cause, that cares deeply about the health and wellbeing of your relationships.
You might be a non-profit or community start-up, co-housing group, or you might be living intentionally with others on shared land, or wanting to make that a reality.
You long for guidance, as you navigate relational nuance.
Values-Driven Businesses
You are making a difference in the world through the work that you do. The health and culture of your workplace matters to you.
You are a small business, solopreneur, working partnership, or family-owned business.
You are willing to invest in the structure, culture, and capacity of your business for the sake of the collective good.

Let’s talk about investment.
In community we all have different needs, gifts, capacities, and abilities to contribute. Wealth comes in many forms, and we all go through seasons in our lives of ‘more’ or ‘less’.
We take a community approach to all things… including our financial model.
People often get funny when we start talking about money, but we believe in full transparency, so let’s see if we can get past the awkwardness of it, shall we?
Money is a resource, like any other, and in our primary model of society it is one we rely on. Often we hear the phrase “money is value” or “you spend your money on what matters to you”. That’s true, AND it’s relative.
What we choose to invest in gives that thing power.
When you invest in yourself, your business, your relationships, or your community financially, you are boldly declaring “THIS MATTERS!”.
Since we know there’s no universal value system, and no universal income, then universal rates for services don’t always make sense. This is why we’ve designed our business to operate with a common pot.
How it works:
All our common offerings come with a “base” or standard price. If you have the capacity, and you know it will be a bigger and bolder, more impactful declaration for you, you can add on to the base price to contribute to our common pot. Our common pot acts as a resource to offer reduced rates to those with less financial resources. We trust that when we receive, we are inspired to give, and that somewhere along the line that goodwill will find its way back into the world.
We are all connected. Let’s generate more good together.
how we charge
Our common pot
how we pay it forward
Our common good
In the world of environmental sustainability we talk a lot about “reducing our footprint” on the planet.
What if we not only reduced any destructive impact, but also increased our positive impact?
What if we could leave a flourishing footprint? On the planet? On the people around us? On our communities?
We believe it is possible to do more good than harm in the world. In fact its a guiding principle in our lives and work.
We can’t take up every cause ourselves. That’s why we donate 10% of our income to incredible non-profit organizations serving the planet, building community, and caring for those in need.
Reach out to learn about some of the non-profits we support. Have ideas for this, or want to let us know about a great organization to support? Let’s talk!

Join the Conversation
Sign up with your email address to join Our Common network. You can expect to receive a seasonal update from us including and an invitation to our free all-in community call, once a quarter. These calls are open to our whole network and include discussion on relevant themes around conscious relationships, community building, and leadership.
We’d love to have your voice in the conversation!