Welcome Community Builders
You hold a lot. It is a great deal of responsibility to tend to the needs of the people and systems that you oversee.
You are a leader and are contributing to a cause bigger than yourself.
You are most likely a CEO, an entrepreneur, the head of a non-profit, or a faith leader.
You might be a therapist, coach, doctor, or care provider.
You likely set the tone for the culture of a team, and need to navigate complex relational dynamics.
We have created spaces where you are invited to show up as you are, to come undone, to be held, to receive nourishment and resourcing.
We’re glad you’re here.
Come recharge. Get inspired, resourced AND activated.
You are human. You were never designed to carry it all, or to go full speed, non-stop. Come rest. Breathe deeply.
Many minds think more creatively and more effectively than you ever could on your own. Imagine high-level collaborative space where you can bounce your ideas, workshop your challenges, and access resources to tackle that next hurdle.
Emotionally safe relational space is invaluable… but you need more than just a place to process.
Here you will access accountability and challenge that will help you create big impact through your leadership.

You care about your cause.
Your people matter to you.
You have a big purpose.
Yes. We believe you.
Can we tell you something though?
You matter too.
Your health and wholeness are an essential part of the impact you are having in the world. Your people and your cause, they need you resourced and taken care of.
That’s where we come in…
“Each of us was born to bring forth something that has never existed: a way of being, a family, an idea, art, a community…
So we cannot contort ourselves to fit into the visible order. We must unleash ourselves and watch the world reorder intself in front of our eyes.”
-Glennon Doyle, Untamed
Let us hold space for you
Integration + Activation
1: 1 Leadership Coaching
Leadership can be lonely. Imagine having an intentionally designed space where you get to show up exactly as you are - where you arrive and let yourself be - where you feel seen, supported, and uplifted - and when you leave, you are more clear, more equipped, and have more capacity to hold all that you do.
Our Common Life
A six-month group coaching program to support the re-villaging of your life
In our modern world designed for the individual, it is innate that we find ourselves craving a more communal life.
Join us in a live community space to explore re-villaging - we’ll unpack your fears and questions, we’ll vision and dream, and support you to create a plan for a more shared way of life in the here and now.
Currently Running. Get on the waitlist to join us in the future!
Spiral Leadership
Feminine Leadership Programs + Retreats
Spiral Leadership is one of our sister-organizations that offers a spirit-led approach to creativity, leadership, and community, based on the force of nature’s spiral.
At Spiral Leadership, we challenge you to collectively integrate your intuitive feminine with your masculine energy, and tap into the wisdom of nature to know who you are and why you’re here.
Hop over to the Spiral Leadership site to find upcoming courses and retreats.
Common Moments
personalized ceremonies for your sacred moments
Taking time to gather with your people to celebrate the significant moments can be a life changing experience. There’s no one-size-fits all celebration, so we work with you to bring your ceremony to life, whether it is a beginning, an ending, or a special moment in between we want to help you bring your community together to celebrate.
Common Language
An Enneagram Workshop
Having a shared framework and language to understand yourselves can unlock communication flow and connection in any relationship context. The Enneagram is powerful tool to help us understand the underlying motivational currents that drive our thought-patterns, our behaviours, and our interpersonal dynamics.
Join our introductory workshop on your own, or book a private workshop with an existing group.
We can also provide support for your team
As a leader you take responsibility for the health and function of your whole team. Whether it’s ongoing team coaching, facilitation of a hard conversation, or a workshop, we’ve got support for you at our page for New and Existing communities.