
are for


We really believe in reciprocity, and communities built on the principle of radical generosity. We want you to feel at ease here, and understand that sometimes building familiarity and trust takes a little time. Explore the free resources below to get to know what we’re all about. Better yet - reach out, engage, or join us in one of our free offerings.

But first a quick introduction…

Hi, I’m Sarah - Our Common Founder, Leadership & Relationship Coach - It’s mostly my voice you’ll find around here.

I’m so glad you’re here, and hope this is the beginning of collaboration, connection, and a relationship founded in reciprocity and respect.

Take a moment for yourself.

When the world feels ungrounded, or your mind is spinning for one reason or another, may you find a moment and a place to PAUSE, BREATHE, and just BE. You get to begin again and again as often as you need.

In a world of ‘busy’ it is pretty normal to rush from thing to thing, carrying with us the stresses, questions, and distractions from our last meeting or task into the next. By the end of the day it all might feel like a swirl of thoughts and emotions, leaving us feeling some kind of way we don’t even totally understand.

In workshops, with clients, and in our courses we typically begin with a simple guided meditation, or ‘arrival’ exercise, so we can truly feel present and available to our own reflections and learnings.

Snag the sample meditation and give it a listen before sitting down with your journal, tackling our free tool, or starting the next task on your to-do list.

Relationship Ecosystem Mapping Tool

This Relationship Ecosystem Mapping tool was built to help you to better understand:

  • the relationships around you

  • what aligned relationships mean to you

  • what you are wanting more of relationally

  • what it means to ‘design’ a relationship

  • and how to start designing the important relationships in your life (and beyond!)

*You will get a downloadable PDF, and a digital Notion Dashboard.

Email Newsletters

Updates, Inspirations, Lessons, & Curiosities

We promise to write to you with integrity & authenticity from a posture of service, and a genuine interest in connecting. 

Generally you can expect three emails a quarter designed to offer you insights, gently remind and encourage you to check in with yourself,  and prompt you towards greater self and relational awareness and compassion - plus of course updates on any upcoming happenings and offerings we've got going on.

I don’t believe its possible to create lasting, sustainable, and resilient community if we are only connecting over our highlight reels, or alternatively by only broadcasting our struggles and low lights. I will bring my full self to your inbox, and beyond, and encourage you to do the same.

If you tend to be hesitant about putting your name on another list, rest assured we take your sign-up seriously and promise to steward your trust well.

Feel free to preview a previous email, if you need a sense of what to expect before you sign up.

A Free Workshop

RElationships by Design

All of your relationships have an inherent design and shared agreements whether you’ve been intentional about them or not. When these lack clarity, it can create a whole cascade of relational challenges.

This workshop is designed to set you up with the foundational framework and structures to:

  • Evaluate your relationships through a clear purpose-oriented lens.

  • Set intentions for the relational culture you want to create.

  • Get clear on the relationships agreements and roles that are needed.

  • Do relationships on purpose!

Podcast Features

Join us over on Instagram

Social media can be a strange world in which to get to know people. It’s a relational field with unspoken expectations, mysterious and ever changing social ‘norms’, not to mention algorithms, trends, and thousands of ‘gurus’ with strategies telling you how to ‘crack the code’. But we believe in showing up in relationship with a commitment to authenticity and integrity, regardless of the platform or context in which those relationships are formed.

So come find us on Instagram - interact with our content with a like, comment, or share and please feel free to jump in our DMs and say Hi!

You’ll find tools, reflections, and resources relating to relationships, community, emotional intelligence, conflict navigation, and the like.

Grab your Journal.

We love a good reflection prompt. Returning to the same questions again and again on different days can provide us with new insights, unexpected revelations, and reveal patterns over time. Snag a journal prompt below that resonates with you and return to it often!

  • This week I’m prioritizing…

    I am committing to honouring these values this week…

    I won’t forget…

    I want to connect with these people…

  • Today I feel proud of…

    I am grateful for…

    If I could do today over I would…

    I felt energized by…

    I felt drained by...

  • I feel…

    The story I’m telling myself is…

    The actual facts are…

    I’m curious about…

    The questions I have are…

    I can take responsibility for…

  • I’m afraid that…

    I’m hopeful for…

    I’m wanting to prioritize these values…

    In this decision the most important thing is…

    If no one was going to get hurt I would…

    If I had no fear I would…

    Different parts of me want different things. If I were to invite all the voices ‘to the table’ they would say…

Let’s Start a


We mean it when we say that we’d like to get to know you. Whether you’re interested in coaching or facilitation support, one of our group offerings, or simply wanting to introduce yourself, we promise it’s a real human that will read and respond to your message!